Thursday 10 November 2016

Currency exchange - Confusion hits both customers and bank staff

As people crowded outside banks to get their Rs 500 and 1,000 notes exchanged, a great deal of confusion prevailed. Many were under the impression that the ATMs too would be functional today. However they were told that the ATMs would be functional from tomorrow onwards.
The confusion was not restricted just to the customers. Several bank staff too looked confused as they dealt with a large number of customers who have been in line since 6 AM today.

We have just started exchange and transaction. Cap of exchange is Rs 2,000 per person. But an account holder can withdraw upto Rs 10,000 per day but can withdraw only Rs 20,000 per week. There have been minor altercations but it has been taken care of, Bharatheesh K, branch manager, SBI Jayanagar told OneIndia.
Ashwini a customer said that coming to the banks on a working day is difficult. We are working professionals. We had to wait a little longer than usual, she also said. I came here to deposit Rs 11,000 that was withdrawn just 3 days back she also added.

Source:One India

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