Monday 14 November 2016

ISIS defies Quran again- Women promoted from sex slaves to suicide bombers

New Delhi, Nov 14: The ISIS wants more women recruits. The latest clarion call given by the ISIS is to hunt for women in large numbers. 

However this time around their role would not be restricted to being sex robots or doing daily chores in ISIS camps.

Investigations and chatter that has been picked up from ISIS handlers suggest that the women are being used to carry out suicide strikes. The ISIS was reluctant at first to let women fight on the battle field as it is against the Quran. However there seems to be a change in strategy this time.

Let women fight: 
The ISIS realises that the scrutiny is higher on the men. In the case of women the scrutiny is always lower and they are able to get past security checks easily. The ISIS has been facing heavy losses off late. With the ISIS losing ground in Iraq and Syria, it has decided to move to the heartland and carry out attacks in major cities across the world. 

For this, the ISIS has decided to use women to strike. It has been making calls to its recruiters to find as many women as possible. Currently there are several women in the ISIS, but their jobs have been restricted to being either sex slaves or to carry out daily chores. 

While the women in the existing camps too are being trained to carry out strikes, the ISIS is also looking for more recruits. Be it India or the rest of the world, the message is the same and that is to recruit as many women as possible. The existing male recruits too are being told to convince their wives, sisters or any woman they know to join the outfit.

Source:One India

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