Thursday 17 November 2016

ISIS made a back door entry into Pakistan

Islamabad, Nov 17 Pakistan is in denial, but the very fact of the matter is that the ISIS is rising in the country. The bombing of the shrine last Saturday in which 52 people were killed was an act of the ISIS.
While Pakistan says that there is no evidence to link the ISIS to the blast, the point the country is missing is that this outfit has taken a back channel route. These attacks are carried out in the name of the ISIS by a group called the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Al Alami. The recent spate of attacks in Pakistan claimed by the ISIS were orchestrated for the group by LeJ.

In the name of the ISIS: 

The ISIS is aware that it cannot send its foot soldiers into Pakistan due to various issues such as jurisdiction etc. It has been relying on the local outfits to execute the job in its name. It followed a similar pattern when it made its entry into Afghanistan as well. 

Following the blast, the LeJ, Al Alamo group did not claim direct responsibility for the attack. However the group's spokesperson said that they cooperate with the ISIS leadership and its ideology. 

The spokesperson went on to add that his outfit would continue to cooperate with the ISIS whenever it plans an attack in Pakistan. The cooperation would be either direct or indirect, the spokesperson also said. 

The ISIS appears to be fine by this arrangement. It would look for more such local proxies in the region as these groups are well versed with the terrain and the dynamics.

Source:One India

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