Wednesday 9 November 2016

What does Trump mean for India - The good and the bad

The bigger question is what does Trump mean for India. Let us take a look what India gains and loses with Trump at the helm of affairs in America.

Good for India: 
India has been battling a neighbour which sponsors terrorism. Narendra Modi, PM of India has been telling the world about Pakistan and how it has become a launch pad of terrorism. 
In this context, India is most likely to find support in Trump who has strong views about Islamic terrorism.

On Pakistan too, Trump has very strong views and he had once called India's neighbour as probably the most dangerous country in the world. The Modi government has decided that it will isolate Pakistan in the international community. On this front India can expect support from Trump. 

India also could have lot to gain from Trump where China is concerned. Trump's views on China are not unknown. In fact he had a lot to say against China during the campaign and even on to term the country as a currency manipulator. Trump had said that he planned on imposing more taxes if China failed to renegotiate trade deals.

Any harsh measure by the US on China could boost the Indian economy. It is also to be seen if Trump will be able to bring China under control in its blatant support to Pakistan. If Trump succeeds then it would be a boost for India.

Bad for India
 " I know the outer world exists. But at what point do you say we have to take care of ourselves, " Trump had said in an interview recently. Experts say that India can expect a rethink on the H1B visas that have been issued to millions of Indians from the IT sector. This is likely to hurt software companies in India.

 Trump's slogans during the campaign were America First and Make America Great Again. This means he would focus more on domestic spending. He had also promised to reduce the US corporate tax from 35 to 15 per cent. If this sees the light of the day several American corporates are likely to get back to the US and this will hurt the Make in India programme a great deal.

Trump also believes that the local American must benefit the most. He had in fact said three days back that Indians and Chinese are the reasons for the greatest job thefts in the US. These statements clearly do not gel well for India. However it would be a wait and watch game for India. Like it was often said, Candidate Trump may not be President Trump.


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