Monday 10 July 2017

China warns India of serious consequences if it doesn't withdraw troops from Doklam area

An editorial on Monday in the official China Daily newspaper called on India to "withdraw all of its troops" from the Doklam area "before the situation deteriorates and leads to more serious consequences."

An editorial on Monday in the official China Daily newspaper called on India to "withdraw all of its troops" from the Doklam area "before the situation deteriorates and leads to more serious consequences."

It also said Beijing "will not make any compromises when it comes to its territorial integrity".

The editorial was the latest in the non-stop barrage of shrill rhetoric from Beijing over the stand-off, with another commentary, on Sunday, suggesting India's "intervention" in the Doklam dispute between China and Bhutan could pave the way for Chinese intervening in Jammu and Kashmir because "it is disputed by India and Pakistan".

The editorial on Monday in the official China Daily, which is the authoritative English-language mouthpiece and under the information department of the State Council, or Chinese cabinet, continued with the hard line, saying that "India should withdraw all of its troops that have crossed the delimited boundary back to its own side, a move that is essentially different from the previous standoffs between the border troops of the two countries in undefined areas. This has undermined the political basis for bilateral relations."


The paper also claimed that China and Bhutan "have a basic consensus on the boundary alignment", and although the Bhutan government has explicitly said Doklam, or Donglang as China refers to it, was disputed, the newspaper claimed that "it is India that is making an issue of Donglang, so as to hold back the China-Bhutan boundary negotiations. And it is the illegal crossing of Indian troops into China's territory that has changed the status quo."

"This is ridiculous", the paper said. "And no country can pursue its security at the cost of another country's sovereignty. So far, China has exercised the utmost restraint and sought to achieve a peaceful solution through diplomatic means, but New Delhi should realise Beijing will not make any compromises when it comes to its territorial integrity."

Another commentary in the same paper by strategic expert Lin Minwang of the Institute of International Studies, at Fudan University in Shanghai, claimed Indian troops had entered Bhutan without the latter's consent.

"India said its troops trespassed on Chinese territory on behalf of Bhutan, which it said has a dispute with China over the Donglang (Doklam in Bhutanese) region," he said. "The truth is, Bhutan was not informed on the day the Indian troops crossed the border, nor did it seek India's intervention. A statement issued by the Bhutanese government on June 29 suggested the country was not consulted by India before the incident and it hoped that status quo would be maintained in the Donglang region. In other words, India is not entitled at all to claim the so-called disputed territory on behalf of Bhutan."

Source:India Today

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