Monday 24 July 2017

Don't underestimate our determination to safeguard national security, China warns India

China's defense ministry spokesman Wu Qian speaks during a news conference at the State Council Information Office in Beijing on Monday.   | Photo Credit: AP

India has called for both sides to withdraw forces and a negotiated settlement to the standoff.

China on Monday warned India not to “push your luck” by underestimating its determination to safeguard what it considers sovereign Chinese territory.

Defense ministry spokesman Col. Wu Qian reiterated China’s demand that Indian troops pull back from the Doklam Plateau, an area also claimed by Indian ally Bhutan where Chinese teams had been building a road toward India’s border.

“China’s determination and resolve to safeguard national security and sovereignty is unshakable,” Mr. Wu said at a news conference to mark the coming 90th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army.

“Here is a wish to remind India, do not push your luck and cling to any fantasies,” Wu said. “The 90-year history of the PLA has proved but one thing- that our military means to secure our country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity has strengthened and our determination has never wavered. It is easier to shake a mountain than to shake the PLA.”

India has called for both sides to withdraw forces and a negotiated settlement to the standoff that began last month after Chinese troops began working to extend southward the road from Yadong in Tibet.

While the sides have exercised restraint thus far, heated rhetoric in both Beijing and New Delhi has raised concern over a renewal of hostilities that resulted in a brief but bloody frontier war between the sides in 1962. The nuclear-armed neighbours share a 3,500-kilometer border, much of it contested, and China acts as a key ally and arms supplier for India’s arch-rival, Pakistan.

The crisis is expected to be discussed when India's National Security Adviser Ajit Doval visits Beijing at the end of this week for a security forum under the BRICS group of large developing nations that includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

Source:The Hindu

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